By Tonya King

Well, we have made it through another week of social distancing. I know this is pressing us to our personal ends, but we pray that it will soon be over. As I have talked about before, fear and anxiety are common companions these days and we are crying out to God, in unison, to please bring an end to this pandemic.

But, while we are crying out together, have you felt like taking more than your fear and anxiety to God. Have you felt like crying or screaming, or just throwing something to vent the feelings you have inside? Well, I have. But I smile and pretend that I am holding up just fine. I’m sure you do as well.

We do not really know how to navigate these new waters. Our days are spent wondering and at times worrying about whether we, or a loved one will contract this virus. And if one of us does, will we survive it? Should we be doing more, or less, in order to stay safe? We don’t want to show our true feelings to those around us. We want to spare them the concern we feel, especially if we are a Mom or Dad.

We are supposed to be strong…have all the answers, but we don’t. But I know someone who does. Our Father in Heaven.
As we are being strong for our loved ones, we can go to God with our fears and anxieties. We do not have to pretend we’ve got it all together. We can be true and honest with our Father. We don’t have to pretend. We can cry, scream, break a few things if we need to. God is not afraid of our feelings; He is also not surprised by them either.

I know, at times, we feel out of control. We have never lived through something as serious and as unknown as this pandemic. I cannot sit here and tell you that all is well, because it’s not. But I can tell you God is still in control. He is not sitting up in Heaven, unaware.

No, He’s very much in tune with our lives. He knows our fears, and our doubts, and we do have doubts, but these emotions do not have to cripple us. We can get through this, even if we must do it afraid.

I often say, “press into God” and I mean that with every fiber of my being. If you want peace during these times. If you want to quiet the fear and doubt, get into the Word. Find out what God says about the emotions you are feeling. Find out His way to deal. Do not be afraid to vent to God. He is big enough. Actually, He is enough.

We need not worry or fear. Our Father is on the throne. The World is still His. We are still His. Take comfort in the fact that He loves you. You are sacred. You are His and He will never leave us or forsake us. That is His promise. Stand on it, believe it, live it. Shalom!

Author Bio

Tonya King is a Writer, Speaker and Mental Health Coach. She is the founder of Faithful in the Midst ministries which is a ministry devoted to the healing and wholeness of mental illnesses through faith in Jesus Christ. 

About The Author

5 thoughts on “Fear Less

  1. Thank you for your comforting and strong words of conviction. This is just what I continually need to hear.

    1. Kelsey,
      I’m glad you are finding comfort in the words I write. I need to hear them as much as anyone and I always try to write what I feel God is impressing on me, knowing that it is also going to resonate with others. Thank you for your comments and for reading my words!

  2. Tonya,
    I love your article! It resonates so much with me and I agree 100%! Your comment to “press into God” for me is like surrendering my entire being to him and allowing him to take care of everything. I find so much peace in doing this because we are not in control and we may as well hand it over to Jesus and hang on for the ride!
    God bless,

    1. Joan,
      Thank you for your kind words. I know I need reminded each day to press into God, not only during these trying times, but even when things are good. We are definitely not in control so hanging on for the ride, as you said, is exactly what we need to do!

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